Collective Intelligence

The ACM Collective Intelligence Conference Series is an interdisciplinary event sponsored by SIGCHI that brings together researchers from academia, business, nonprofits, governments and the world at large to share insights and ideas relevant to understanding and designing collective intelligence in its many forms thereby fostering the use of collective intelligence.


Please check out prior programs and proceedings to learn more about the Collective Intelligence conference and academic community:

Collective Intelligence Conference Steering Committee

  • Thomas Malone, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA (Chair)
  • Abraham Bernstein, University of Zurich, Switzerland
  • Nikki Kittur, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
  • Natalia Levina, New York University, USA
  • Jeff Nickerson, Stevens Institute of Technology, USA
  • Beth Noveck, Northeastern University, USA
  • Gary Olson, University of California in Irvine, USA
  • Paul Resnick, University of Michigan, USA
  • Christoph Riedl, Northeastern University, USA
  • Anita Woolley, Carnegie Mellon University, USA

(image source: Landsgemeinde Glarus, Image by Marc Schlumpf Wikimedia)